Build an art collection & earn rewards for free art

Build an art collection & earn rewards for free art


Let's consider your art collection, no matter the size, as love for your living space! And as you mindfully build your collection, I want to make sure you are aware of the Rewards Points you can earn in my shop ~ you will earn points for every item (book, print, pendant, or painting) that you purchase. Often my collectors have multiple rewards to spend after purchasing ONE painting!


Earn a point for every dollar you spend. Once you reach a stash of 200 points, you will have $20 free to spend in the shop. Or you can contact me to put your reward toward a custom original painting.


And the points just keep accruing! You also get bonus points on your birthday, and for following my socials, and just for signing up!



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Your Reward Points will automatically be tied to the email address you use when you place your order(s). When you are ready to use your points, you'll just need to have an account (it's quick and easy to set up) in order to redeem them. You can redeem up to 400 points at a time (and save $40!).
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Spread peace and love around, and earn points while doing it! Mother and child prints make AMAZING gifts for new & expectant mothers, physicians, best friends, sisters, aunts, doulas and midwives ~ anyone who values and cherishes the gift of connection between mother and child and families. 

Beautiful art prints of pregnancy can inspire a soon-to-be parent and help to visualize a safe and healthy birth and the sweet cherub that will be the reward! (I used art for this purpose before my son was born, and countless collectors have told me their stories!)


Breastfeeding art is a gentle encouraging gift for breastfeeding moms.


Know a mother of young children going bonkers with her daily responsibilities? A piece of calming artwork can remind her of why she works so darn hard.


New daddy? New adoption? Big sister needing a gift after the baby arrives?


I can help you find so many gifts ♥


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And remember, you will earn a point for every dollar you spend. Once you reach a stash of 200 points, you will have $20 free to spend in the shop. Spend up to 400 points at a time and save $40 off your order.


NOTE: commissioned original paintings do not earn Reward Points.


What will you use your Reward Points for?


You don't need ANY stashed Reward Points to grab THIS deal! Unlock 9 pages of download-able and color-able beauty!

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Have a great day!

Love & Sincerely, Katie



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