Brand New Baby wearing & Bird Mini Painting… Everyday MOMents Book Review
katie berggrenEveryday MOMents by Jessica Poe
Everyday MOMents, the brand new book by author Jessica Poe (with a cover painted by yours truly!) is NOW AVAILBLE!
A note from the author: A mother’s role is sacred; a duty of divine design. By identifying divinity in the details, I not only feel inspired, but rejuvenated and refocused too – especially when I’m in the rush of a blurry hectic life. That’s why I call myself a mother, believer and collector of details … we can all benefit from a moment to refocus and rejuvenate, right?
I had the honor of getting a fresh-from-the-press copy and here are my thoughts:
Starting out with a nice organic introduction to Jessica as a mother, this book sets us up to join a sweet friend on her journey through the day. Because I felt from the beginning that she was like me, that she feels similar frustrations with her body, skin, laundry and cleaning responsibilities… it felt natural to trust her and her words…
Written in bite-sized chapters, each with a helpful message, Everyday MOMents is easy to accomplish and does NOT feel like ‘one more task’ for mom. It is loaded (perhaps like the diaper bag of a very prepared and germ-o-phobic mama!) with honest and heart-felt goodness.
This book is packed with inspiration and reminders to STOP, which is what I try to do with my paintings: remind mothers to stop and notice the little moments and the little tidbits that make each day special. I knew there was a reason I liked Jessica so much… she and I are both trying to stop and find meaning in our moments!
It’s important to note, I feel, that I am not a typical religious person, and this book has many references to ‘hearing from/learning from’ Heavenly Father in our days. This doesn’t bother me because I can easily translate these references to coincide with the spirituality and power that I DO feel around me ~ just with different names. A book such as this requires us to open our mind and to be willing to soak in the information and inspiration that it contains, without feeling judgement for how it might ‘believe differently’ from us. That in itself is a fantastic lesson, and a fantastic practice in acceptance and independence.
I think of Jessica’s book not only as a gift to other mothers, but as a gift to herself. Writings of her children’s lives ~ and her life as a mama, snagged forever ~ writings of her lessons, forever recorded. Jessica’s book reminds me to give myself more of these gifts… to WRITE down the lessons I learn each day, so that I can learn from them over and over. And I am getting lessons from Everyday MOMents. Get YOUR copy, right here.
Also, this week’s new original mini painting is called Any Given Day ~ A glowing mama and her little ride-along darling ~ she feels magical to me, and we should all expect a little magic… any given day!
This original, one-of-a-kind painting is currently available, make Any Given Day YOUR new original painting, here.
Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.
Love & Sincerely, Katie