available mini original paintings ~ upcoming art fair event

katie berggren

I hope you are having a wonderful week ~ and a wonderful summer!

My brother was visiting from Sweden and my Grandma from Oregon. Lots of good times and memory-making.

The days have been packed with family, friends, kids, nature, zoo-time and lots and lots of visiting… I’m still finding my balance for work/play. Work has been getting squeezed into the corners of my days a bit ~ which means late nights. I’m already missing my quiet studio time.

I know that we are not all in the same hemisphere, but how does summer change YOUR daily schedule?

Today I’m doing a re-cap of some of the lovelies currently living on my studio wall. Awaiting their perfect homes. They brighten MY space, and they will brighten YOUR space

Currently Available Minis by Katie m. Berggren, www.shop.KmBerggren.com

Choose Art that makes YOU feel something ~ you will share your life with your new Original Painting.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t put words to WHY you love a piece, or if no one loves it except YOU.

 It doesn’t matter if you know ANYthing about art techniques or styles… doesn’t matter if you know the name of only 1 or 2 artists out in the world… YOU KNOW what speaks to you.


let me know if you have any questions


Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie





~~~~~~~~~~ UPCOMING EVENT! ~~~~~~~~~~~

English Estate Winery Art & Wine Fair Camas/Vancouver WA ~ July 9 & 10

I will have an outdoor booth with originals, prints & pendants, I’d love to meet you!

Learn More Here

Music, Food, Art & Wine ~ Family Friendly ~ Free Entry!



Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Related Images:

[See image gallery at www.paintingmotherhood.com]
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