All Is Well & Something Beautiful

Two new 8×8 paintings have joined the 85 8x8s collection, All Is Well and Something Beautiful.

Thursdays are becoming a natural release date for 8x8s, find more posted next Thursday!

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Something Beautiful:
…Simply sweet, simply pure, innocent, inquisitive, fresh and beautiful…

All Is Well:

Lately, I’ve been relating stories to my 4 1/2 year old son – stories of him as an infant ~ how he slept in bed with me every morning ~ how we stayed together for hours, sleeping, waking, dozing, nursing, talking and singing. The house was empty except for us and all was truly well within that little world between the sheets. These are still the words I whisper in the middle of the night when he or his brother has woken with a fear, all is well…

Have a great night! Sincerely, Katie

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