a rainbow of new paintings & an upcoming telesummit

katie berggren

I hope you had a nice great week. I have a little summary of the monochromatic paintings created so far. Hopefully you are finding them a nice little detour from your day, images to bring inspiration & peace. The best place to follow along with their process is on Instagram and Facebook. If you want prints of any of these, just let me know by emailing back!

Two of the original paintings are available, see below.

MonoChromatic Paintings by Katie m. Berggren


Sprouting ~ from the mother’s life, soul and body: the child becomes. This piece is currently available, please email back if you are interested in owning her and I’ll let you know her status (8×8″ on deep canvas, $189 plus shipping)

Sprouting brand new 8x8" painting by Katie m. Berggren

Sprouting brand new 8×8″ painting by Katie m. Berggren

Wishing ~ she’s warm and full of life and comfort… go ahead, make a wish! this piece is available, find her here. (8×10″ on deep canvas, $235 plus shipping)

Wishing, brand new 8x10" painting by Katie m. Berggren

Wishing, brand new 8×10″ painting by Katie m. Berggren


Katie Berggren upcoming free telesummit

Upcoming Free Telesummit:  Liberate Your Confident Creative Side

Transformation Through Creative Expression ~ 12 unique artists (including me) will share, through recorded interviews, their perspectives on how art/creativity has a positive impact on our lives ~ daily creative practices ~ how confidence can increase through creativity ~ and more!!

This event starts July 10 and runs for 6 days. Register for your free spot, here.

I wish you a beautiful weekend. Thank you so much for taking the time to follow along with my work.

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Related Images:

[See image gallery at www.paintingmotherhood.com]
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