A New Week of Inspiration…
katie berggrenOn Saturday, I was so lucky to get to spend most of the day with my brother, Kevin – he’s a painter in Sweden and he’s finishing up a 3 1/2 week stay in the U.S.
We rambled around Portland and visited Powells Books where I was delighted to bring home some books on some of my favorite artists, including Kathe Kollwitz – a german expressionist artist (drawings, block prints, sculpture) who worked during the 1890s and the 2nd World War. Her emotional drawings were one of the main reasons I yearned to become an artist – years and years ago.
Kollwitz’s image above: Worker Woman with Sleeping Child (Arbeiterfrau Mit Schlafendem Jungen)
Do you wonder what makes a great gift for mom? Help her to start a collection of meaningful artwork that warms her heart - or add to her existing art collection!
Choose artwork for mom on canvas or paper, and give her a meaningful gift that will last a lifetime.
Kollwitz's work touches me in a way no other has. She did what I yearn to do, in regard to capturing emotion (frequently between mother and child) – however, you’ll notice if you click around some links above, that her eyes saw more suffering, death and poverty than mine (hopefully) ever will, so her work has a couple themes that I have no intention of working with. But the emotion, *sigh*, just splits my heart.
At Powells, I also picked up books on Gustav Klimt and Mary Cassatt.
Have a great week!
Love & Sincerely, Katie