a brand new vibrant breastfeeding painting ~ intimacy famine
I place here, for you to ponder, a paragraph from a book that has become a life manual for me over the years. A most-wonderful book that has been opening my mind in regard to… Everything that is important to me. Every time I read this particular paragraph I am stunned by its accuracy, its obviousness, yet the clear truth that so many just don’t understand it. I am not saying that I have things figured out ~ but I am saying that this paragraph (just one inspirational paragraph in a book riddled with inspiration and insight) seems, to me, capable of unraveling so many inter- and intrapersonal issues that we may face.
Read This:
Our Intimacy Famine. From The Simple Living Guide by Janet Luhrs “Our time famine is really an intimacy famine. It is much easier to stay busy and frantic than it is to love and know ourselves and others deeply. We’re busy because we want to be busy. Staying busy appears to give our lives meaning (just look at all of the things I have accomplished and all of the things I do in my life!), and staying busy is safe. We don’t need to really get in and look at our lives when we’re rushing from one thing to the next.” “A speeded-up life not only robs us of time to connect with others, but it also makes us impatient and angry. We don’t have time to listen to our partner’s point of view. We don’t have time to wait for a bank teller who is just learning. We don’t have time for our children. We don’t have time for ourselves. When we’re overscheduled, we become selfish, because our whole day is spent trying to catch up and our night is spent trying to recuperate…”
©Janet Luhrs http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=ID9j2&m=3gnYE8c4r1Of1a5&b=4u3dX2Arzyrno6ysCmw14Q
This week’s new original mini painting is called DEEP HEART ~ she is a brand new (completed yesterday!) breastfeeding painting ~ I’m in love with the flow and the vibrancy, and the fact that we give so much of our hearts and attention to our babes when we take the time to sit with them. It’s about intimacy and every moment is important.
This original painting is AVAILABLE, she is an original 8×8″ painting on canvas for $185 plus shipping. You can make her YOURS, right here.
Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.
Love & Sincerely, Katie