What fun I had in the last several months of 2012, creating paintings as surprise holiday gifts for so many wonderful mamas 4 Loves is one of them ~ created with love for Kelly, a sweet collector, and mother to two adorable little boys.
there is only ONE original rich and textured painting on canvas of 4 Loves, and it belongs to Kelly ~ but if this piece speaks to you ~ you can snag a print for yourself, right here. I also have artwork for expectant mothers.
Note: this piece was created in 2012, but I wanted to wait to share it until it had been given as a Christmas gift.
Kelly is a wonderful collector. She keeps in touch and stays connected (I’m so honored!) while loving and nurturing her two little boys.
A year or so ago, Kelly’s wonderful friend Christine commissioned a chunky 4×4” painting for Kelly, we named it 2 Loves. For Christmas, Kelly’s loving husband commissioned a large 40×40” painting for Kelly, we named it 4 Loves.
It was my pleasure to paint for you, Andrew, and my pleasure to help you add to your collection, Kelly, with a larger-than-life piece, full of love and hope, that is larger than all of your previous collection combined.
I hope you love your gift.
Love & Sincerely, Katie