2 Fresh Originals ♥ Learning
KATIE BERGGRENThere is no shortage of inspiration or energy in the studio lately. I'm using painting and the freedom of open skies (in the Open Skies Collection!) and colorful trees as a way to channel my energies away from some very troublesome world news. Just to keep the sanity. My wife-ing and mother-ing and art-ing depend upon not getting overwhelmed with things I can't control.
I'm also about to turn 45 and have found a renewed joy in learning and reading. Being a self-taught creator (truly self-taught... trained through practice and exploration before I even knew you could watch YouTube painting videos), I am realizing how much there is to learn about this craft I love, and am enjoying the discovery of how my work can be better. I studied graphic design in college.
What would you benefit from learning more about?
One of my new pieces, completed early in the week, is named Without Walls, and I'm over-the-trees about her ♥ Go take a look at her detail shots!
For me, she represents our current children, but also the free-spirited happy wild ones within our own souls. The little people that got us to where we are today.
Undamaged, precious and safe, dancing through an enchanted land. She’s whole and well and out of harm’s way as the sun warms her skin, and the breeze plays with her hair. There is much to learn, many to wisely trust, and more to discover.
Our children deserve the jubilation of color and a journey free of darkness. The ability to explore and to be seen at the same time. A chance to try and the opportunity to fail, always with a new adventure over the horizon.
The little girls inside of us deserve to feel this way, too. Surrounded in beauty that is soft to the touch, a loving world without walls. There is a light, may we keep it glowing inside our souls.
And yesterday I finished The Strength To Persevere ~ a brand new original painting on 10x20 inch deep canvas. Want to watch her creation video?
This piece made me feel actual fear because of how much I love her... and also a nudge to move past fear to the joy and discovery on the other side. Today I start a new piece.

When we remember that the tides will continue to shift and the clouds will nevertheless move across the sky, we too can take things one step at a time.
The sea’s edge will go on bringing treasures and taking footprints, the sun will persist in rising and retreating each day, and we shall also take a second to find our place, then pick ourselves up to make the next thing happen. Those quiet thoughts of resolve, though, are not to be under-valued; moments of mindfulness that allow us to move forward incrementally.
This is an original painting on deep canvas, freshly finished in the KmBerggren studio, yesterday!! Reach out for details.
Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful week's end!
Love & Sincerely, Katie