the hope effect, art for charity, artists helping others, helping orphans, charity for orphans, joshua becker non profit, josh becker charity

10th Annual Painting On Purpose... The Hope Effect


The Painting On Purpose Project, which allows me to support families with my paintings, is in honor of my grandma Neva. This year is the 10th year of POP and the painting will be released on Neva's 101st birthday, February 6th! 
Each year I choose a new organization to receive the money from the sale of the POP painting. This year the painting is 14x18 inches, and the purchase price will be $998. All $998 will be given.
The PURPOSE for Painting On Purpose is to give ALL of the money from the sale of an original painting, each year, to an organization that benefits mothers and/or children. So far, $7,216.00 has been given, in honor of my grandma ♥ (see the previous 9 paintings and organizations!)


the hope effect, art for charity, artists helping others, helping orphans, charity for orphans, joshua becker non profit, josh becker charity

I've chosen the organization to receive the funds for my 10th Annual Painting On Purpose painting: The Hope Effect, founded by Joshua Becker in 2014. I have had this organization buried in my Painting On Purpose notes, for years, after discovering it around 2018. 


This morning, as I was tossing around a couple charities in my head, I kept thinking: "But I want to choose a place that inspires HOPE"... hours later, I opened my notes, and there it was: The Hope Effect.


You will be able to watch weekly progress of the new painting for Painting On Purpose, on my Instagram and Facebook pages.


I wanted my grandma Neva's name to be attached to Painting On Purpose in order to honor her creativity and generosity. At almost 101 years of age, she still creates handmade hats that we donate in our communities, and I estimate she’s made and given over 700 hats. 

My grandma and I both like to create and give ♥ In 2023, my business gave away over $3,100 in art prints and cards alone. Artwork makes a difference and needs to be shared. 


This is one reason that I am grateful for YOUR orders in my shop throughout the year :) (have you seen the new collection?)


Thank you for reading. I wish you a wonderful week's end.

Always reach out if you have any questions or ideas to share ♥

Stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy.
Love & Sincerely, Katie


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