Free Book | Meditation for Overwhelmed Moms ~ focus on peace & intimacy

Cherish Moments of Peace during Busy Days ~
tune into intimate moments of motherhood

FREE FOR YOU: A 70-page e-book featuring motherhood art & writing by Katie m. Berggren.

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Katie m. Berggren motherhood painting e-book

Katie m. Berggren motherhood painting e-book

This e-book includes behind-the-scenes details, process photos, inspirational motherhood quotes, personal journal entries, blog posts and poignant sentiments for each of the 85 8×8 paintings created for The 85 8x8s Collection in 2009. A collection of intimate and emotional motherhood paintings released weekly for 9 months by award-winning motherhood painter, Katie m. Berggren.


Some inspirational quotes from a mother and artist, featured in the book: 85 8×8 Paintings ~ A Dance of Intention & Creation:

“Spreading word about my idea and the intention behind it gave me a reason to follow through. When others were watching and waiting, they were unknowingly holding me to my path. Plus, the excitement and anticipation was viral, and I couldn’t help but want to succeed!”

“There is a daily conflict for a mother of young children. For myself, it is a challenge that reawakens every morning as I balance my desire to be a patient, graceful, loving mother and at the same time fulfill an instinctive urge to bring forth the creations of my soul and realize my dreams.” 

“Creating these little paintings allowed me to make a complete mess of my studio while giving in to the process; surrendering to the pull, and recognizing the eagerness of my new community who kept asking for more. I’m a clean freak, but the surrendering, thus the mess, was necessary.”  

“Sometimes I feel ~ and I am ~ so strongly outcast. But I smile and feel joyful thankfulness that I get to be me in my world, despite my awkwardness. I might feel like a mama with a completely separate set of ideals, but I realize millions of mothers share my feelings. I frequently find one of these mothers, and feel so thankful to be connected…” Journal Entry: February 2009


And now, you can get this 70 page e-book for FREE!
By joining the e-newsletter list!

Purchase this book as a gorgeous, smooth, glossy 7×7″
PRINTED softbound book!
You can find this high-quality printed version available here)

let me know if you have any questions!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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