►SOLD◄ Fierce Devotion - The Memories Collection

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The Memories Collection Smooth aside the present moment from your mind’s eye and see these flashes of life, woven into the tapestry that has made us who we are. Threads of love, minutes of patience, glimpses of trust and connection. Whirlwinds of color and skin and hair, gooey smiles and adoring eyes.

How we experience and traverse life may differ, but don’t we all crave moments and memories of someone loving us and of those we love?

These glimpses move in and out from the shadows, reminding us to slow down and feel the present. Some Memories paintings show two scenes, months or years apart, and some celebrate two instances from the same moment.

I love pulling an image from a darker background. Finding the spaces that are best left dark, and which elements need to be brought all the way forward with paint and brushes. Embellishing with feather-gentle touches of light and scatters of dots to represent love on a molecular scale, spreading and mingling.

Fierce Devotion is the 12th painting in The Memories Collection and features a beautiful black mother being kissed by the sweet naked baby in her lap. On a warm and magenta background. Nude mother and child, African American mother skin to skin with her sweet curly baby.

Framing Suggestion: I suggest choosing a standard off-the-shelf frame in a size of 12x16 inches or larger. Have a piece of matboard in a complementary color of your choice (or black), cut to fit the frame, with a window opening for an 8x12 inch piece. The framer will cut the mat window slightly smaller than the size of the art. You can then put the mat, frame and art together at home for less than a custom frame purchase. Enjoy!

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