Collection: The Here & Now Collection ~ One-Of-A-Kind Original Paintings & Customizable Art Prints

The Here & Now Collection is about letting go. Reinventing ourselves and moving onward, not dwelling on past pains and troubles. Leaving the past in ashes. Select Embellished Prints and I can change hair or eye colors per your request.

♥ Choose Artwork that Lasts A Lifetime - Archival Prints Have a Life Span of 150 Years ♥

Truly BEING in one small moment, surrounded by movement and life passing by. Holding on to this fragment of time and touch, knowing that in seconds things will have changed.

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Create While You Decide ♥

Get Some Immediate Beauty

Take your time deciding, choosing the right pieces can be challenging, and I respect that. Grab a free gift at the blue button above, I'll stay in touch and be here when you're ready ♥️ In the meantime, wanna color?